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"You should 100% do this again at our school! It really taught me a lot about the different parts of the healthcare field and let me do and learn things that I never would have done in middle school, or even in high school!"

8th grader

Hear Aliyah Tolentino's experience with MedEx as a student and student leader! She is now a senior in high school and her future is looking bright as she continues on the path to becoming a doctor!


"Morgan was committed to implementing the MedEx program at Heritage Middle School! MedEx projects are uniquely innovative and engage students in rigorous learning. The program goes beyond textbooks in enabling students to achieve at different rates and in different ways by targeting their instincts, abilities, and processes through the lessons and activities. MedEx prepares students for not only academic growth but career successes."

Andrew Hoskins
Heritage Middle School Teacher

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